Friday, March 7, 2008

Talladega Nites and the Baby Jesus

So we try to be good parents and give Katie and Sarah somewhat of a religious background. We both felt sadly lacking back in december when reading a friends blog and finding out how their son was so excited to celebrate Jesus' birthday. To this point our own kids only knew that Christmas meant Santa....

So we set about teaching Katie about the baby Jesus and how Christmas is his birthday. She caught on really quickly and loves reading her children's bible and a her child's book of Jesus stories.... To the point that she loves to read about Baby Jesus being born. Its cute and kinda funny when she tells you King Herrod- baaaaaddd- he need a time out.....

So what does this have to do with Talladega nites? Jim and I cant help to laugh because she always refers to Jesus as baby Jesus... And for those that saw the movie Talladega nites- Will Farrells character always had to thank the Baby Jesus. So we were like- has she been watching that movie????

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