Sunday, March 22, 2009

Little Leprechauns

I woke up this past week and found these cute little leprechauns in the house- I think I will keep them since they are so cute!

I am thrilled that Katie is starting to let me dress her Girly Girl as she says.... She actually had me put her hair up several days this week and Sarah let me braid her hair today.... Last weekend Pap and Mimi came to visit and the girls were thrilled. We had a good time with them and I was able to get a couple of pics of them with the girls...

The last one my lighting was off but its such a great picture I had to share. I hope that Pap does not mind - lol. In other news, I think Sarah might be watching too much Dora. She told me Mommy Vamanos the other day and when she counts she says -one, dos, three.... Sarah remains obsessed with Princesses and tells me she is Cinderelly and when you ask her who her prince is- she will tell you MOMMY! Ha!
Auntie Michele got Katie a dance cam for her birthday and both kids love to dance with it and Sarah will say Shake your booty and stick her little butt out and shake it... So funny to watch. We have been enjoying the nicer weather and have been playing outside and having a great time. Both kids are enjoying riding the trikes and we are teaching them how to ride Katie's scooter that she got for her birthday... Mommy has been walking around the neighborhood with our next door neighbor and will start taking the girls with her this week...
We are getting over some sickness here- Katie is fighting off a bug that has left her quite congested and running a fever. Sarah is getting over a bad cold. So we are definitely happy that spring seems to be on its way.
Hope all is good in your neck of the woods

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When God closes a door, a window is opened....

I have always be lived in that statement and now more then ever. Yesterday morning I was asked to call the director of where I work where I was then informed that they were making deep cuts and that I was one of those effected and that yesterday was my last day. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I had a feeling that more cuts were coming and I was worried I would be one of them but until it happens - you really can't imagine it....

So with the way the economy is and the job market here in this part of the country we have decided that I should stay at home with the girls. They are going to continue with daycare this week and next and then Sarah will stay at home full time with Katie attending pre-school there 2 days a week.

I am still in shock over what happened and my mind continually races about the future but at the same time I am kinda excited to start this next journey of my life....

So hopefully I will be updating our blog more often and sharing the girls and our adventures....

Take Care