Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sisters - Gotta love it

So this weekend was a rough one for the girls. Poor kiddos- there was a lot of late nites and then full days. So Saturday I convinced Katie to take a nap - 2 hours later she woke up and was a major grump. Nothing would satisfy her highness. So she sat in her chair sideways crying and yelling. I finally gave up an decided to ignore. Sarah on the other I guess got fed up with it - she took her binkie out of her mouth and popped it into Katie's and then started rubbing her back. I have to give the little one credit- it worked- Katie immediately started laughing and her mood instantly changed.....

While they fight a lot- they do have their moments of sweetness. I was holding Sarah as she slept in my arms on Sunday at their Bears house and Katie was playing with her cousins but every so often she would come over and lean in and very gently give Sarah the sweetest little kiss...

1 comment:

The Harmon's said...

amazing. they must take after you Tam, because if it were jim and i he would have been stealing the bink form me to make himself happy.