Saturday, May 30, 2009

I wanna be....

this morning we were sitting on the porch and enjoying the beautiful morning and Katie was snuggled up to me and says I wanna be a Hockey Player when I grow up, is that ok? I replied that she could be anything she wanted to be. She then said well I wanna be a momma when I grow up. I told her that was wonderful and asked how many kids did she want. Her answer- 5. I then asked her if she had any names picked out. She gave them to me in this order- Gilbert, Max, Connor, Allie and MO. I can figure out where most of the names come from Gilbert- the cat from Caillou, Max- she even told me was after our friends son Max. Connor is her favorite boy name and uses it all the time for her babies. Allie- is a name of a fellow classmate at school but MO has me stumped. Unless she heard Jim and I talk about Mediaocean which everyone called MO??? I don.t know. I told her that I would be really excited to be a grandma to her 5 kids. she then told me oh no mommy - you and are gonna be mommas to them together. Ummmm I don't think so kid......

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