Friday, February 8, 2008

Sweats and Giggles

So Katie went for her test this morning. The 2nd sweat test and again - she did not sweat a drop. Per our dr and the biochemistry woman they want to let it go for 30 days and then try again. Fun times! Luckily its a non invasive test and Katie thinks she is wearing a watch like mommy and daddy.....

So I went for my semi-annual check up with the dermatologist this morning. Everyhting looked good ( I had a pre-cancerous mole so I have to go an get periodic skin checks) but I was stuck with a funny thought and could not help but giggle. When she does a skin check she has this huge magnifying glass that she uses and I could not help but think she looked like Emma Thompsons character from the Harry Potter movies- Professor Trelawney. It made me giggle. Now let me emphasize that without the magnifying glass she looks nothing like that character......

Happy Friday to everyone!

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