Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Our nice neighbor across the street was out last nite while Jim and Katie were looking at our rose bush out front. Sweet man that he is - he gave Katie a dollar. She was thrilled and said promtly- Thank you! I will put it in my piggy bank. It touched him to hear how she was a saver already at 5 so he said you put that one in your piggy back and here is another one for you to go spend. She was thrilled. So today was grocery day so Daddy gave Sarah a dollar to spend as well. The two of them got out their new purses the Easter bunny brought and stuck their dollar in and headed out to Wegmans. Now if you have never been to Wegmans- at the center of the store there is a huge aisle of nothing but bin candy. So they went up and down the aisle till they decided their purchase. M &Ms for Sarah and Salt Water Taffy for Katie. Mommy helped them measure it out so that we did not go over our dollar and then we went to the checkout where they put them up and paid for them all by themselves. They were so cute with their bags and their purses going out to the car....

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