Thursday, August 7, 2008

A very eventful day

SO....Yesterday we took Daisy to the vet... I was anxious to have it confirmed she was a girl and that she was healthy and how old my"kitten" was.... YEAH.... Daisy is definitely a girl and is carrying Huey Duey and Luey and maybe more or maybe less! Yup my kitten is approx between a year - year and half old and is not a kitten but a mama to be! Knock me over with a feather! She is pretty far pregnant- vet beleives she will give birth within the next week- week and half.... Jim and I very concerned though because she was malnourished when we found her....So we shall see what happens. As a result though we are not saying too much to the kids....

We also went with cousin Brandon and Jen (Is that better Aunt Kathy?) to Knoebels amusement park and had a great time but boy am I exhausted today.... The girls had a blast. Katie was a big girl and rode the log flume with Mommy- we have a funny pic from the event....But Katies favorite ride was the bouncy house....

Sarah my little dare devil- had a blast riding the cars and the planes.... We let her go into the ball pit and boy was that a mistake. She loved it but this little boy (about 6 or so) kept coming up to her and trying to bury her in balls... I became that parent and yelled at him... OF course his parents were no where around.... Ugh- then he would not leave her alone and kept coming over to her going you want me to bury you? SO I kept yelling at him.....

All in all a good day but does anyone want a free kitten????

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