Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Maybe we are doing something right???

Our kids are growing up.... I just recently noticed it in the way they do things, the way they look and the way they talk..... And I am starting to see things we have taught them or tried to teach them coming through..... We go to the store and they get excited for FRUIT... We come home from the store and they beg for the grapes or apples or whatever fruit we just bought for snack.... It makes me smile. I have issues with weight and that is my most heartfelt wish that they dont have to struggle with weight like I have. Dont get me wrong - they both love sweets too but they ask for FRUIT!

Then on Sunday we got the ultimate compliment. We had gone to 8am mass and both our girls were so well behaved. They got a little antsy but then Jim and I were both feeling the same way towards the end of mass as well so who could blame them. Our neighbors came over later that afternoon and she is the head of the music ministry and had cantored the 8am mass. The first thing she said to me- I am so jealous of how well behaved your kids were during mass!. My heart swelled. Dont get me wrong we have suffered through some very rough masses where Sarah would bellow our GET ME OUT OF HERE! I DONT LIKE THIS PLACE. But it seems we are finally coming through the tunnel and out into the light.......

So while I lament that my babies are growing up , I am proud to see some of what we are teaching them is paying off......

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