Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Beginnings

So yesterday we attended Katies Kindergarten orientation. She really liked her teacher and her friend Sid was there so they held hands all through the school.

Today was the big day. It started out rough- early wake ups even though we had progressively been waking them up earlier. Realization that the big day was here and nerves about everything... But we got through it and I put my baby on the bus for the first time. She looked so small next to the other kids. The school PTO (i believe) does a nice thing and gives them a tee shirt with their school and Class of 2023 on it. 2023 OMG..... Doesn't seem possible..... They wear these the first day to easily identify the Kindergarteners and she put her tee shirt on and went to the bus stop but not without some pictures first....
After I put Katie on the bus, Sarah got on the "mommy bus" and headed off to her first day of preschool. Her bff Gabrielle was already there and greeted her with big hug and then took her off to play with the doll houses. She didnt even care when mommy left....
All in all a good day for both!

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