Monday, December 15, 2008
Tis the Season
On Sunday we made christmas cookies.... Yummy....Pictures will follow.. Lets just say Sarah is not a fan of being neat.... But the best part of the day was after we were done and Katie came up and grabbed my leg and hugged it and said Momma I had such fun- thanks so much for making cookies with us..... Moments like that make it all worth it....
Tonite was Katies's pre-school concert. She did great. Aunt Michele got a preview on the phone tonite when she called and she seemed to really enjoy it..... I took lots of pics and will have them to share soon.....Katie was thrilled after the performance because her teacher - Miss Lindsay gave out fruit flavored candy canes ( Miss K is not a fan of mint) and she got her favorite color- blue!
Tomorrow nite is our nite to make our gingerbread house.... should be fun!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Where did the year go?
Katie is also very into Christmas this year. She talks about Ho Ho every day and is so excited for Christmas to get here. Yet on Sat we went with Brandon's Jen to Harrisburg for a craft show and she would not get any closer then 5 feet near Santa.....
We go on the Polar Express train ride on Friday nite so it should be interesting to see how both girls do. Last year Sarah would not have anything to do with Santa. Katie talked to him but again- would not get close....
Sarah is really starting to get into Christmas as well. She keeps pointing to every Holiday decoration and going HO HO! She loves the tree and has redecorated it for Mommy and Daddy several times already.....
I am very happy to report that Sarah has moved past her poopy playing problems in school- thank god! Now we are working on staying seated in our chair.....
We have been doing an Avent Calendar with the girls and they are really enjoying it. We got one the end of season last year that is basically a magnetic board and with numbered boxes around it. In each box for each day is a magnetic figure of the navity. Its really nice and has been a great way to try and teach them that the holiday is about more then just getting gifts from Santa.
Last Year dear friends of ours bought Sarah the nativity scene which was Little People. Both girls have a great time playing with it but they also keep rearranging my ceramic nativity scene! Katie told me its because I did not have it right! LOL...
Jim and I are really enjoying seeing the magic of these holidays through the girls eyes.....
Monday, November 17, 2008
Fun times I tell you! She never gives me a dull moment!
Friday, November 14, 2008
We moved! I would say we are about 75% moved right now.... We still have garage stuff and storage stuff to move but for the most part we are now settled in Bears house. The plan is to continue to move stuff and then do some updating to our house and put it on the market in January. Hopefully the economy and housing market will be a little better then....
The girls seem to really have blossomed since we moved. They are sleeping so well and doing great! They had a great time trick and treating in the new neighborhood....
Sarah is in full potty training mode and is doing awesome. She is in pull ups but goes most of the day using the potty..
Katie is doing great as well and is having a blast in preschool. She is practicing her letters and is doing really well writing her name. She also is drawing better and the other day she made a house and all of our beds and then drew all of us in the house....
We went to a thanks giving feast that the daycare throughs every year and it was too cute. the girls had indian hats on and afterwards Katie brought home a chain of thanks. It said Katie was thankful for Mommy and Daddy, Fifi and Daisy and FOOD and JOE PA. For those not in the know - JOE PA is the head coach of Penn State football and is kinda like Katies imaginary friend..
I also had some sad news that upset me. I am part of an on-line moms message board and over the years have gotten to know some of these women quite well. On these moms had a little boy named Jack. Jack was born with a Congenital Heart Defect or CHD. Jack was quite the fighter but it was with great sadness to be told that Jack lost his battle with this disease just 2 weeks before his 3rd birthday.
Although I never met Jack or his parents Brad and Amy, i felt as if I had come to know them through Amys posts and her pictures. Jack was a sweet boy who loved God and Jesus and loved firefighters and firetrucks...
Jacks death has reminded me not to take my children for granted and to take heart and delight in the small things they do and to most of all thank god that my girls are healthy.
Take Care all
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Heard around the Folmar House
Sarah- Fifi- No, Daisy NO, Babies NO... Can you tell she likes to boss the cats around?
Sarah also likes to pick the kittens -well now just Fifi by their neck and carry them around the house. She has gotten yelled at numberous times....
Sarah - this morning- ohhhhh Mommmy- Pretty dress !!!!(it was one our Cousin Hannah had passed down and she looooves it- thank you cousin Hannah!)
Katie- Mommy- this road needs to be fixed- I call Pap on my fellphone and tell him to fix it. Hi Pap, come fix the road. Mommy Pap said he be here first thing in the morning....
Empty nest Syndrome???
We decided to keep the calico as Katie had gotten very attached to her - as did I. Her name - as given to her by Katie- FiFi. yeah- wont I look cute calling the vet asking to make an appt for my cat named Fifi....
But I have to say as relieved and happy as I am to found them a home, I miss the little guys.... Daisy has taken their leaving well as have the girls.... Fifi was a little sad and lost but has adapted pretty well...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Words to melt a mommys heart

Thursday, September 11, 2008
My baby is growing up....
Of course this is the same little girl that on the way home last nite told me - Mommy you are not a good driver. When I asked her why- she replied- cause you drve on the bumpy roads (we were on the highway which they are working on and have rumble strips down)
Earlier this week she brought home a worksheet they had done at school about the letter A and on the back of it- the teacher had wrote the letter A and then there were all these other As that MY BABY had written! Here is the pic. The orange letter is teachers the other blue and brown As are Katies

I am so proud of her! Here are a couple of cute pics I grabbed of both girls from the other nite:

Take Care and Have a great day!
A couple of kitten pics...
Friday, September 5, 2008
Happy friday!
The Three Amigos

Black Calico

All Sleeping together

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Small Funny
KAtie- I learned about my 5 dollars today!!!
Jim and I looking at each other funny- you did. Me thinking quickly to what was on her sheet that day.... Katie you mean your 5 senses?
KAtie- Yeah, They are mostly in my head- mouth for eating, nose for smelling, eyes for seeing and ears for listening...
Get it - 5 dollars- 5 senses (cents)
This gave us quite the chuckle
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How is this for cute?

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ice Cream
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Happy Wednesday!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sad news :(
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The kittens are here!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
A very eventful day
We also went with cousin Brandon and Jen (Is that better Aunt Kathy?) to Knoebels amusement park and had a great time but boy am I exhausted today.... The girls had a blast. Katie was a big girl and rode the log flume with Mommy- we have a funny pic from the event....But Katies favorite ride was the bouncy house....
Sarah my little dare devil- had a blast riding the cars and the planes.... We let her go into the ball pit and boy was that a mistake. She loved it but this little boy (about 6 or so) kept coming up to her and trying to bury her in balls... I became that parent and yelled at him... OF course his parents were no where around.... Ugh- then he would not leave her alone and kept coming over to her going you want me to bury you? SO I kept yelling at him.....
All in all a good day but does anyone want a free kitten????
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Catch Up....
So the terrible 2s have hit Sarah and we are facing some doozies of temper tantrums lately... She gets so mad, she bunches her hands into fists, tightens her whole body and sticks her face out and yells till she is red in the face.... Its hard not to laugh at the sight she makes but usually we are trying to diffuse whatever situation has caused said tantrum.....ITs really lovely when she does this in the middle of a restaurant or store....
With the back to school sales going on we took advantage of some sales and got both girls backpack on wheels. They now strut into daycare like they are the BOMB with their backpacks.... They are great for mommy and daddy especially on Monday and Fridays when we are carrying sleeping bags and blankets and other items back and forth from home and school.
I took Katie to the mall last nite for a little one on one time and to get her a new pair of sneakers- I swear her feet grew overnite! She was desperate for light up ones like several of her classmate so I took her to Sears.... Where we got a neat pair of Mickey light up sneaks. She proudly showed them off to everyone this morning by stomping her feet all over the place.
Tonite Katie told Jim that she is going to marry the following people- Jaidean (her best friend and resident bad boy at school), Spiderman, Lightening McQueen (from the movie CARS) and Aiden - another little boy that use to go to her school... I said wow that's a lot of weddings and she told Jim and I that was so she could have lots of wedding cake! How does she come up with this stuff??? She has not even been to a wedding yet.... Late on tonite she told me she thought Spiderman and Batman would like to marry... Yeah I was not going there with her.... I guess she will really like going to Aunt Michele and Dustin's wedding next year.....
Tomorrow we are going to take her and Sarah with my cousin and his girlfriends to a local amusement park.... WE should have nice weather for it!
Take care!
Great Quote
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about learning to dance in the rain."
I think I need to dance in the rain more.....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
New Layout
Sunday, July 27, 2008
What a weekend!
The girls had a blast as you can see. Sarah really enjoyed this beach much better then Myrtle Beach- maybe becaue there really are no waves??
so we returned home- tired and sandy but having had a blast- Sarah didnt even make it to the exit of the park before she was asleep....
I came home and went to the grand opening of Target or as Jim likes to say- the Mother Ship was calling me home.... Yeah he's a real funny guy :) When I came home Sarah and Jim were playing outside. Katie joined them and I went into the house- a few minutes later Jim called me out. There was a stray cat hanging in our yard (you can see where this is going right?) This was not the first time we had seen here- so I went out to see what she was like. She was extremely friendly and came right to me. Poor thing- looks like something happened to her tail... Not sure what and then it looks like she was starving. Nothing but skin and bones.... Yup we now have a kitty. She is laying here at my feet sleeping as I write this. Katie fell in love with her and immediately named her Daisy.... A quick trip to K-mart for a litter box and food and we now have a kitty named Daisy... This is not the best pic of her but its all I could get till she warms up a bit more....
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Summertime, Vacation and sickness
I had to laugh - the farmers market has many yummy treats and bakery items... However I had the only child yelling GREEEN BEAN GREEEN BEAAAANNNNS I WANT GREEN BEANS.....
So this week I took vacation and kept the girls home with me so we could do fun stuff. Monday started off well- we went to the park and then played in our back yard with play doh. However this morning things took a turn for the worse when Sarah woke up with a fever and a barking cough. Off we went to the Dr's and yup she has croup... I jinxed myself I swear- I was thinking the other day how much healthier the kid have been and how I haven't had to go to the Dr for them.... YEAHHHHH what was I thinking.... So now we had to cancel all the plans we had for the week and hopefully we might be able to do something later in the week when she is feeling better.....
Oh and all the veggies are helping- I have lost 9.2 lbs total so far...
Take care and hope all is well in your world.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Great News I forgot to mention...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Its not easy being green....
We had a garage sale yesterday and were able to get rid of a lot of big ticket baby items. I was excited cause now we have some room to move in our basement..... Today we decided to pack a picnic lunch and went to the park. We ate by the playground and then the girls took their pails and shovels and played in the sand box and on the other toys for awhile. Then they played Frisbee and then we got back in the car and drove to the other side of the park to go to the duck pond. We had some bread left over from our sandwiches and we thought we would feed them.... Now these ducks are pretty used to getting fed so as soon as we started towards them with our bag of bread they came running over. It was kinda funny to watch Katie who was all excited to see them till they started coming over to us! She then freaked out and started walking backwards. But they kept coming towards her.... I have to say some of the ducks and geese are pretty brazen- one grabbed my pant leg and pulled on it to get some bread.... Then we left there and went to the pet store where Sarah and Katie got new fishies and we got a new plecko which our tank desperately needed....Then we took a drive out to Eders and got some ice cream... Both girls loved the ice cream.... It was a very nice way to spend the day.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Summertime Yum!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Life's Precious Moments
I know God has a plan for us but at times like these I really have trouble understanding why he would do something to such innocent lives. However it makes me look at my own kids and hug them that much tighter and savor each moment - the good and the bad. You never know how many moments you have with someone.
In other news, Jim is away this week at a conference. Katie is missing him something fierce. However she was too cute last nite. I put her to bed and came downstairs to chill out for a bit before going to bed. She followed me back down about 5 minutes later and said, "Mommy, this is your FIRST nite all by yourself downhere- I think I should stay and give you cuddles". She does a good con job already at 3!
We also got together with friends of ours Friday nite at this awesome playground. It had a whole area designed for 2-5 year olds. The kids had a blast and Katie was VERY upset to leave when it was time to go.... As you probably are aware the East Coast in in a Heat Wave. SO on Sunday before Jim left we blew up the pool and filled it up for the kids. They had a blast playing in it and with the sprinkler as well. Tonite afer we finished dinner we went out and playing it again. What a great way to cool off after a long Hot day.
I am having some difficulty with Katie this week. Her teacher got married and is on her honeymoon and her daddy is away. She is having a hard time with her substitute. On Friday she would not pee in the potty for her teacher. Now today she was put in time out for hitting her classmates several times... We have had to have several talks about it. I am hoping it gets a little better....
Sarah is starting to explode with more and more words. She can now point and tell you most of her body parts and she can tell you some of the animals and what sounds they make. All though I have to tell you duck, cow and dog all come out as gock. But she will point and tell you what animal sound they make. Tonite the girls were playing with bath paints in the tub and I swear she said Yellow.....
And as for myself, well I was inspired by my sister in law Lisa and have decided to join Weight Watchers. Lisa has lost a total of 25lbs already- Keep it up Lisa! I am proud to say - the last 3 days I have eaten my 5 servings of fruits and veggies. I dont know when the last time I have done that! Jim and his Dad are also changing their eating habits to go along with me. As much as we will probably miss donut sundays - we really do need to eat better....
Well, I am gonna sign off for now. Take Care!
Friday, May 23, 2008
More from the beach....
Sarah is getting more and more brave at the ocean. Our routine has been that one of us lays down with Sarah to get her to nap in the afternoon and the other one takes Katie down to the beach and plays with her down there (katie has pretty much cut out her nap when she is with us but does still take one at daycare). Yesterday after her nap, Jim and her came down and she had a great time playing in the tidal pools with Katie. She loves picking up shells and washing them off. She still is not too sure of the waves but this morning would stand with me in the surf and let them wash over her feet.
I said something to Katie this morning and she was very upset that we would be leaving tomorrow. I think both girls are either going to spend half the trip back crying or they are going to sleep the whole way out of sheer exhaustion....
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Greetings from the Beach!
I am blogging from the SeaWatch resort in Myrtle Beach! We are having a blast here. We did the 12 hour car ride over a 2 day period and the girls did really really well with the car ride. Thanks again Mimi for the travel aqua doodles they really helped to relieve some of the boredom....
The girls are loving the resort. Sarah is more of a pool girl while Katie loooooovesss the beach. She begs every morning to go down and play in the sand. I told Jim today - its been interesting to watch Katie blossom down here at the beach. Our shy little girl is now talking to everyone around and has gotten very brave- she loves sitting in the tidal pools at low tide and let the tiny fishes swim right up to her. She even let hermit crabs craw near by without freaking out. Even in the pool she has gotten very brave and is jumping in the pool playing AIRBORNE and trying to float and swim.
Sarah is our little fish. Even during swimming lessons she always has loved the water. She gets in the pool here and you can see she just wants to take off.. She is a little scared of the ocean but is gettting braver. Today during low tide Jim brought her down and she finally stood in the tidal pools and started looking for sea shells. I think by next year she will be more into the water.
Our hotel is really nice- we have a 2 bedroom.2 bath condo type room with full kitchen and living room The girls are making me nervous wreck because we also have a balcony and they love to go out on it and go to the edge and look down. According to katie - its our porch. She told me she really likes our "new house". I think she is goign to be devestated when we leave.
So this is the first time I have been to Myrtle Beach, and I have been pleasantly surprised. I have been to the Jersey and Delaware shores and to the beach in California as well as Hawaii and while Hawaii will always be my favorite, Myrtle is my favorite state side beach. ITs very family friendly and as I have always loved the south, its no wonder that I love it here. However, I dont think I could ever live in the south with out weighing 500 lbs. God I love southern food. I could also just sit and listen to those southern accents alll day long!
I am told that we left some crappy weather up north- only a high of 40 and rainy. Its been sunny and in the low 80s every day here.....
Well I need to sign off for now - but have a great Memorial day!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Long time no blog....
So we have been having beautiful weather here in PA. And to add to that the girls' Bear bought them a treehouse/slide combo which they have been out playing on every nite!. Mommy and Daddy love it because they play all nite with very minimal fights and then go to bed and sleep very soundly! The girls love it because they love being outside and just love playing on it.... They are loving rediscovering all of their outdoor toys that have been put away for awhile and have been having a blast playing with sidewalk chalk....
We are getting ready for our vacation to Myrtle Beach soon and Katie has interpreted that to be that we are going to Turtle beach. She kept asking if they turtles were nice at Turtle Beach- it took us awhile but we finally got it that she was thinking Myrtle Beach as Turtle Beach. We have been taking swim lessons all winter and have really enjoyed them. Sarah is a natural to the water and I am somewhat scared that she is going to just leap out of my arms and try to take off when we are in the pool. Katie is much more apprehensive about the water and I blame myself for not starting her sooner on swimming lessons.
Sarah is doing much better at school and is not trying to bite anymore. It took a lot of working with her here at home and at school.... I am extremely relieved to not have to worry about that these days.
KAtie has a trike a thon coming up this week to benefit St. Judes. its for all 3-5 year olds at her school and they are raising money for a great cause!
This past week I was in NYC for business. WE had a great time. It was nice to see my teammates in person and hang out for them. All though the poor souls had me go sing karaoke with them- I dont know if their ears have recovered yet. Then on Wednesday my other teammate and friend that works at home Rebecca and I did a marathon shopping session in midtown for our kiddies. We started at the FAO schwartz store which was a major bust for both of us and then we moved on to the apple store. I know midtown is touristy but nothing prepared me for the apple store which easily had 200 people in it. They had all these apple laptops and such out to play with but seriously you could not get close enough to play with anything because there were so many people there. From there I had to drag Rebecca through several stores looking for a purse because sometime between FAO and apple - my purse gained a gaping hole in it. I ended up in the Gap with a $34 purse. I actually love it- its big enough I can throw stuff for the girls in their and go.... For those that don't know on me that well- I am on a never ending quest to find the perfect bag that will accommodate my needs and that of my 2 girls.... From there we ended up in Dylans candy store which is any candy lovers (adult or child's) dream come true. They have plenty of today's candy plus a huge array of candy that I remember from my childhood- like candy cigarettes and candy buttons.... WE were so exhausted from this marathon that we ended up for dinner in the California Pizza kitchen that is literally right next store. I always forget how much I love that place till I go there again.....
Now I am back home and sitting on the porch chilling out and watching the girls play. Hope everyone is having a great weekend as well!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
General Thoughts.....
Sarah was funny with the whole Easter basket- she would take each item out and go "ohhhhhh"...It was too cute...
Then this past weekend we went to West Virgina - both girls, me and their Mimi to go see Aunt Jenn and cousin Hannah before they move to Colorado. A true girls only weekend. While both girls did ok on the 7 and half hour car ride, we did have some problems. Katie got a stomach virus on Sunday and was notfun to ride back with on Monday. And Sarah was petrified of their dog Ellie. I spent the whole weekend with Sarah attached to me with a death grip.... But all in all both girls had a blast playing with their cousin and spending time with her before they move.
However since we have been back both girls have been giving each other stiff competition for who can be the most clingiest and whiniest. Sarah since she saw the dog has been non stop clingy and whiney. Some of it is her teeth- she is getting her stomach teeth. And Katie since she has been sick is constantly whining or being incredibly rude and bossy. Between the two of them, I would not be surprised if Jim and I start drinking heavily. (joking....i think).
Now this morning at 4am I woke up with the stomach bug.. Lovely.....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Coloring Easter Eggs
She was very insistant in helping from start to finish so she was a little rough on the eggs and needless to say Mommy and Daddy will be eating alot of hard boiled eggs this week....
So we started with 10 eggs that went into the pot. She wanted to help, I showed her how to gently put the eggs in, she dropped them in....
So 8 eggs came out suitable for dying - we dyed 8 eggs and then the kit we had, had stickers.
After decorating with stickers and letting eggs roll off the table we ended up with 6 eggs for our Easter Centerpiece.... Not to bad for a first time!!!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Easter Egg Hunt
I was curious to see how this would work out- last year we went was our first one. Katie was so funny, she would pick up a piece of candy one by one and bring it back to me grinning ear to ear over it. This year was no different. She still did pieces one by one. So delicate and dainty with
As this was Sarahs first year doing this - I was curious to see how she would act. Yeah, she lived up to my nickname of bulldozer. She just kept going round and round the area picking up handfuls of candy and when she could get no more would return to Jim and I to place in her basket. Apparently she likes tootsie rolls because that is the majority of candy she went for....
I have to say- My mommy competitveness comes out during these things. I was workingwith Katie and would say - Katie- do want Tootsie pops- there is one over there- go get it and this little brat- umm I mean little boy would go running over and grab it.. But afterwards I was talking to another mother of a little girl in Katies age group and we could not get over how many parents go in the area with their kids and scoop the stuff up for their kid. It only seems to be Katies age group though-as this happened last year.....
The girls also had the opportunity to meet the Easter bunny. Katie did really good and eventually sat on his lap where as Sarah was a NO GO..... So she sat on Jims lap next to the bunny and that was as close as she was getting
So much for binkie weaning
The daycare is working with us and asked us to bring several things in to help combat it. The one thing that seems to be working though- is her binkie- if she has that in, she does not try to go after the other child.... I dont know if this will work long term, but Jim and I are hoping it gets through this stage. Then once we get her through the biting we can work on weaning the binkie....
Horton Hears a Who
All in all - it did not go too badly. In fact for her first movie- I think she did rather well. We did have a panic moment when she tried to climb up in the movie chair and it almost ate her since she is so tiny that her weight did not really keep the seat down.... But she loooooooved the snacks she got to have, as soon as we purchased her popcorn, sour patch kids (her choosing), she was going - Can I have my snack? Can I have my snack.... Seriously- we spent more on snacks then we did on movie tickets.....
Even though the movie was only an hour and half- she started to get a little resless about an hour into it- but after 3 trips to the potty she was good to go again and was a little disappointed when it was over.
She kept asking us on the way home- can we go see that moobie again???
Cute Moment of the Day
But last nite was cute moment rather then an irriatating one. As we were sitting there last nite - me in the big recliner- her in her kid sized one. I had Sarah on my lap and was giving her her bottle, Katie climbed in to her chair wiht her baby doll and said- Mom - can you put my feet up? (My feet were up in the big recliner). I leaned over and pulled her foot thing out of the bottom of her recliner and went is that good.. She looked at me and Said- "No Mom, I said my feet up not my Knees!". I thought I was gonna die laughing. Where does this stuff come from. So I proceeded to pull her foot stool thing out more and finally got her exactly like mommy where she then proceeded to put her feet up and fed her baby and got her to sleep while I did the same with Sarah....
Friday, March 14, 2008
Time Out
So I step out into the hallway and I see Katie and I see Sarah with her binkie in her mouth. I look at KAtie and say who gave her that binkie? She say I did - she was crying mommy. I said I know Katie - but I told her she could not have it- did you hear me say that? She shakes her head yes and with that goes down to the end of the hallway. I look at her and said why are you runing away from me? Jim who was watching from the bathroom door goes- dont you realize where she is? And he looks at Katie and says yes Katie- 1 minute time out. She put herself in timeout! Too cute. After she got out she came over to me and said I am sorry Mommy that I gave Sarah her binkie boo- why did you not want her to have it? So I then sat down and explained that we are trying to prepare Sarah for the binkie fairy that is going to come and take her binkies like she did for Katie and give them to the new babies....
How About them Apples?
And they love applesauce. This past weekend I got a quart of homemade applesauce from our local independent butcher/deli and we had it as a side dish last nite.... Welll Jim and I had it as a side- both girls ate so much of it I think it really could be considered their main meal..... Katie sat there last nite and said oh mommy Applesauce is my favorite. Then she paused and added And pizza..... She had 2 bowls of applesauce to go with her ham steak and noodles.
Sarah kept going meh meh meh and pointing to the bowl. She devoured 3 bowls of applesauce and I am not sure if she would have gone for more except I started to clear the table....
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sesame St Live!
Fastforward to this year and the day the tickets went on sale- I was ready and sitting at my pc to get the best seats available. Scored some great seats and had to laugh- where once I would wait for concert tickets to go onsale I am now waiting for SSL to go on sale. But it paid off and we went last nite.
I was worried about taking Sarah- I thought she might be too small yet and be bored. I should not have worried. She was glued to watching them. She would bounce on my knee to all the songs and when it would end she would clap her hands and go YAY!!!!!
I seriously cant go over how good both girls were and how much they enjoyed it. The look on their faces when the room got dark and the spotlights started to go and then the music started and then BERT came out- it was priceless....
Now the cynical part of me cant believe what a $$ this has become for Sesame St. There was an intermission and they were selling Elmo balloons- at $8 a pop!!! While we did not buy those overprices suckers we did end up getting the girls a bunch of overprices SS stuff. Hey- this is their first show- so we caved.....
Update on the Girls
Sarah had a follow up x-ray as well and her came back clear.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Not Nice
Sarah is what we call our little bruiser. She is quite the toy bully at home and at school. Jim actually got stopped by one of the teachers in her classroom on Friday. Apparently she has been biting 2-3 times a week. Usually because someone has a toy she wants or someone tried to take a toy from her. They said they can usually tell when it is going to happen because she lets out her warrior cry and then goes in for the kill. They can prevent it sometimes but not always.
I love that she is getting more vocal and developing her personality but at the same time I hate this stage. The frustration over being unable to express herself through speech that leads to biting, hitting, shoving and temper tantrums. Fun times....
Friday, March 7, 2008
Talladega Nites and the Baby Jesus
So we set about teaching Katie about the baby Jesus and how Christmas is his birthday. She caught on really quickly and loves reading her children's bible and a her child's book of Jesus stories.... To the point that she loves to read about Baby Jesus being born. Its cute and kinda funny when she tells you King Herrod- baaaaaddd- he need a time out.....
So what does this have to do with Talladega nites? Jim and I cant help to laugh because she always refers to Jesus as baby Jesus... And for those that saw the movie Talladega nites- Will Farrells character always had to thank the Baby Jesus. So we were like- has she been watching that movie????
Everybody Polka!
Yeah they are true Pennsylvanians! So everyone polka!!!!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Soccer Mom?
Here is the thing. Katie is good. Really good. She can already do drills and has great control over the ball. So much so we are asking around about a soccer leage for pre-schoolers. So while I will continue to fight the stereotype - I think I will be that soccer mom before too long!
Sisters - Gotta love it
While they fight a lot- they do have their moments of sweetness. I was holding Sarah as she slept in my arms on Sunday at their Bears house and Katie was playing with her cousins but every so often she would come over and lean in and very gently give Sarah the sweetest little kiss...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I dont think so
Me: ITs time for Bed
K: mmmmm, I dont think so mom
Me: Its time to get ready to go to school
K: MMMM, I dont think so Mom
When did this child become 3 going on 13???
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Feeling better
Poor Sarah, she had this big red bump on her leg. Took her to the ped and she had a secondary reaction to the chicken pox shot. It thankfully is going away but I felt so bad for her. She continues to crack me up. She is so different from Katie. She is such a little bruiser but at he same time she is such a girly girl. She loves playing with the dress up clothes and boa and tiara. Jims dad said she will be a girly girl but she will be able to take out anyone who crosses her.
Today Katie got her first library card and took out 2 books. The county storymobile goes around to the different daycares and if you are 3 and up you get to go on it and pick out 2 books. My girl is so big! They are also doing a reading contest at school and at the end of the month they will a gift certificate to Pizza hut for free individual pizza. Who knew this stuff would start so early!
Monday, February 25, 2008
sorry I have not updated in a few days - I have been wiped out with a really bad cold and fever. I think I might have another sinus infection but I will no more when I go to the drs later on.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
You Mell
K:- You Mell mommy
Me: I dont smell Katie
K: Yes you do! You farted!
M: Katie, I did not! Andthats not a nice thing to say to someone!
K: ok - I mell something stinky mommy!
Ugh!!!! How do you teach a 3 yr old not to tell someone they smell or they smell somthing stinky?????
Valentines Day
I was kinda stunned at the take that both my girls accumulated on that day. I thought I was being the cool mom and took Katie to the store and we picked out valentines for both her and Sarah that came with Candy. Woo-hoo I thought and we filled every ones out. Yeah, that was pretty much the norm in Katies class - seriously every valentine had some type of candy and or pencil attached to it! Some mom's even did complete goody bags! Made my little Dora candy look sad in comparison. Katies teacher Miss Jody also went all out! Katie got a little dog, a cup, pencil, homemad rice krispie trieats and she even gave them Fun dip- thanks Miss Jody!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Power of Prayer
Friday, February 8, 2008
Sweats and Giggles
So I went for my semi-annual check up with the dermatologist this morning. Everyhting looked good ( I had a pre-cancerous mole so I have to go an get periodic skin checks) but I was stuck with a funny thought and could not help but giggle. When she does a skin check she has this huge magnifying glass that she uses and I could not help but think she looked like Emma Thompsons character from the Harry Potter movies- Professor Trelawney. It made me giggle. Now let me emphasize that without the magnifying glass she looks nothing like that character......
Happy Friday to everyone!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Growing Up!
Then she got an invite to a b-day party from one of her daycare classmates. She has gone to b-day parties of family members and close friends of the family but this is her first one from school....
Good News!
I had to laugh at her last nite- she was fighting going to bed - which has become a nightly occurrence. She finally had settled down and Jim and i went to bed early - I stayed up to read a little bit but Jim conked right out. About a half hour later I heard her get out of bed. I got up and met her inthe hall way. I though maybe she had to use the potty but she grabbed my hand and said I need some cuddles mommy, rather then fight her (I could see she was super sleepy) I laid down in her bed. As she lay there I kept noticing her taking her fingers and putting them in her ears. Finally I got it- I was like yeah Daddy does snore kinda loud. She was quiet for few minutes then she loooked up at me with her fingers in her ears and said I can still here him Momma! I had a good laugh overthat one.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Interesting day
And in conjuction with the pnuemonia. Katie is still coughing this cruddy cough. We took her back to the drs yesterday and they put her back on antibiotics- a liquid form of Zithromax. She hates it. She keeps spitting it out. Tonite when I gave it to her- I tried bribing her with chocolate. She finally finished the medicne and said- please I dont want nothing. Well that took the wind out of my sails- apparently this medicine tastes so bad that not even chocolate could convince her to take it. And that is hard to believe since this same little girl tells me eveytime she has a boo-boo- chocolate make it feel better mama!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Picture Day