Thursday, March 20, 2008

Coloring Easter Eggs

So I decided that Katie was old enough to try coloring Easter Eggs. That became our "Art Project" on Tuesday nite and we had a blast coloring them..... After every egg came out of the dye, Katie would utter this gleeful laugh.....

She was very insistant in helping from start to finish so she was a little rough on the eggs and needless to say Mommy and Daddy will be eating alot of hard boiled eggs this week....

So we started with 10 eggs that went into the pot. She wanted to help, I showed her how to gently put the eggs in, she dropped them in....

So 8 eggs came out suitable for dying - we dyed 8 eggs and then the kit we had, had stickers.

After decorating with stickers and letting eggs roll off the table we ended up with 6 eggs for our Easter Centerpiece.... Not to bad for a first time!!!!!

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