Hello all,
I am blogging from the SeaWatch resort in Myrtle Beach! We are having a blast here. We did the 12 hour car ride over a 2 day period and the girls did really really well with the car ride. Thanks again Mimi for the travel aqua doodles they really helped to relieve some of the boredom....
The girls are loving the resort. Sarah is more of a pool girl while Katie loooooovesss the beach. She begs every morning to go down and play in the sand. I told Jim today - its been interesting to watch Katie blossom down here at the beach. Our shy little girl is now talking to everyone around and has gotten very brave- she loves sitting in the tidal pools at low tide and let the tiny fishes swim right up to her. She even let hermit crabs craw near by without freaking out. Even in the pool she has gotten very brave and is jumping in the pool playing AIRBORNE and trying to float and swim.
Sarah is our little fish. Even during swimming lessons she always has loved the water. She gets in the pool here and you can see she just wants to take off.. She is a little scared of the ocean but is gettting braver. Today during low tide Jim brought her down and she finally stood in the tidal pools and started looking for sea shells. I think by next year she will be more into the water.
Our hotel is really nice- we have a 2 bedroom.2 bath condo type room with full kitchen and living room The girls are making me nervous wreck because we also have a balcony and they love to go out on it and go to the edge and look down. According to katie - its our porch. She told me she really likes our "new house". I think she is goign to be devestated when we leave.
So this is the first time I have been to Myrtle Beach, and I have been pleasantly surprised. I have been to the Jersey and Delaware shores and to the beach in California as well as Hawaii and while Hawaii will always be my favorite, Myrtle is my favorite state side beach. ITs very family friendly and as I have always loved the south, its no wonder that I love it here. However, I dont think I could ever live in the south with out weighing 500 lbs. God I love southern food. I could also just sit and listen to those southern accents alll day long!
I am told that we left some crappy weather up north- only a high of 40 and rainy. Its been sunny and in the low 80s every day here.....
Well I need to sign off for now - but have a great Memorial day!
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