Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summertime Yum!

So I had some stawberries I needed to use soon or they would probably go bad. I decided to make a favorite summertime treat - homemade strawberry shortcake. Its just the premade sponge cakes, and I slice strawberries and sprinkle a little sugar over them so they make a juice and put that on the cakes followed by some cool whip or whipped cream. The whipped cream is the girls favorite part- they could eat just that and be happy. As you can see they loved it...
Jim is back safe and sound and had a great time. Katie is in love with the new shirt he bought her- A Spidey man t-shirt..... Yeah my little tom boy continues- yet she dressed up in her dress up tiara, fluffy heels and princess out fit and walked around going I a princess, look at me - I a princess...
Sarah is talking more and more. Tonite we called her Mimi and Pap and she said both names quite clearly. Then while on the phone she "tickled" both of them..... This consists of her going - GIckle gickle gickle and laughing hysterically and scrunching her fingers at the phone.....She loves to tickle people and of course loves to be tickled. :)
So Thursday is a monumental day for both Katie and myself. She is going on her first field trip with the school and going on a big yellow bus to the bowling lanes to bowl. She is beyond excited and I cant help but be excited for her but part of me is a little nervous about my little girl riding on a school bus. Luckily its a short ride.....
We are having a garage sale on Saturday and I thought I would be sadder to get rid of all our baby stuff but surprisingly I am not . I just want the clutter gone..... Jim is jumping for joy because I have been cleaning out alot of clutter. Of course he would tell you I still have too much stuff.....
Hope all is good in your world....

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