Monday, June 9, 2008

Life's Precious Moments

Sorry this post is gonna start off as a bit of a downer. I have been greatly affected over the last few days by a couple of things. The first was a family aquaintance passing away. She was our former hairdresser and was only 41 (same age as Jim). She left behind 2 kids- a girl about 14 and a little boy about 10 or so. It broke my heart to read this and realize that those kids will never have their mom to hug them or kiss them or soothe away their hurts and pains. Additionally I have been following a blog about a man whose wife had their baby girl prematurely and 27 hours later the wife died. It also makes me realize that this beautiful baby will never know the touch of her mother or hear her mommas voice.

I know God has a plan for us but at times like these I really have trouble understanding why he would do something to such innocent lives. However it makes me look at my own kids and hug them that much tighter and savor each moment - the good and the bad. You never know how many moments you have with someone.

In other news, Jim is away this week at a conference. Katie is missing him something fierce. However she was too cute last nite. I put her to bed and came downstairs to chill out for a bit before going to bed. She followed me back down about 5 minutes later and said, "Mommy, this is your FIRST nite all by yourself downhere- I think I should stay and give you cuddles". She does a good con job already at 3!

We also got together with friends of ours Friday nite at this awesome playground. It had a whole area designed for 2-5 year olds. The kids had a blast and Katie was VERY upset to leave when it was time to go.... As you probably are aware the East Coast in in a Heat Wave. SO on Sunday before Jim left we blew up the pool and filled it up for the kids. They had a blast playing in it and with the sprinkler as well. Tonite afer we finished dinner we went out and playing it again. What a great way to cool off after a long Hot day.

I am having some difficulty with Katie this week. Her teacher got married and is on her honeymoon and her daddy is away. She is having a hard time with her substitute. On Friday she would not pee in the potty for her teacher. Now today she was put in time out for hitting her classmates several times... We have had to have several talks about it. I am hoping it gets a little better....

Sarah is starting to explode with more and more words. She can now point and tell you most of her body parts and she can tell you some of the animals and what sounds they make. All though I have to tell you duck, cow and dog all come out as gock. But she will point and tell you what animal sound they make. Tonite the girls were playing with bath paints in the tub and I swear she said Yellow.....

And as for myself, well I was inspired by my sister in law Lisa and have decided to join Weight Watchers. Lisa has lost a total of 25lbs already- Keep it up Lisa! I am proud to say - the last 3 days I have eaten my 5 servings of fruits and veggies. I dont know when the last time I have done that! Jim and his Dad are also changing their eating habits to go along with me. As much as we will probably miss donut sundays - we really do need to eat better....

Well, I am gonna sign off for now. Take Care!

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