Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feeling better

So I went to the dr yesterday and he said I have the same viral illness that everyone in the county has. But he did give me some cough medicine with codeine in it so I could get a decent nites sleep. I have to say- it worked and I feel like a new woman!

Poor Sarah, she had this big red bump on her leg. Took her to the ped and she had a secondary reaction to the chicken pox shot. It thankfully is going away but I felt so bad for her. She continues to crack me up. She is so different from Katie. She is such a little bruiser but at he same time she is such a girly girl. She loves playing with the dress up clothes and boa and tiara. Jims dad said she will be a girly girl but she will be able to take out anyone who crosses her.

Today Katie got her first library card and took out 2 books. The county storymobile goes around to the different daycares and if you are 3 and up you get to go on it and pick out 2 books. My girl is so big! They are also doing a reading contest at school and at the end of the month they will a gift certificate to Pizza hut for free individual pizza. Who knew this stuff would start so early!

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