Thursday, October 7, 2010

All I need to know ... I learned in Kindergarten????

Ok, I try to be a realistic parent. I realized that with Katie going to Kindergarten that she would pick up some undesirable behaviors or sayings from other kids. I had even seen it to some degree in preschool. But I have to confess, I never thought she would come home saying what she did the other day..... Here is the backstory. Last week they had a field trip to the Fire station. And the nice fireman sent every kid home with a packet - it had a smoke alarm, coloring book., stickers and a a little set of temporary tattoos. You know the ones, you cut out and put on your arm and then hold a wet cloth to them for them to take. She asked if she could put them on and I said sure. NEver thought a thing about it.....

Till Monday when she came home from school saying her friend M told her she needed to wash them off immediately or she would get sick because they were probably made in China. My mouth hit the floor. Never did I expect that. Now because she is a worrier, we told her she was fine and she would not get sick.......

I know there are some people who have issues with stuff from China but I just never thought to hear it out of a 5/6 year old..........

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