Two weeks ago we were invited by our friends and neighbors the Connors to have a big family outing and go on the local paddle boat that goes up the Susquehanna River. They run a family cruise
nite every Tuesday
nite and its such a nice time for very little money. Plus they also have make your own sundae on there too! That was all the girls needed to hear to want to go!
Lol. We have known the Connors awhile now through our daycare/preschool and then they moved into Bear's
neighborhood shortly ahead of us so now we are neighbors too. Its so nice because their son Aidan is one month younger then Katie and their daughter Gabrielle is 1 month younger then Sarah. The kids are really good friends from having been together at daycare and in the same class. Its nice that they will now continue that on into public school.
So we set out for our cruise..... Here is a shot we did before we got on the boat- from Left to Right= Sarah, Gabrielle, Aidan and Katie. Seriously-
don't you just want to eat up all that cuteness!

Here is Katie deep in
concentration telling Denise something...

Gabrielle or as Sarah calls her MY Baby Elle, and Sarah holding hands. They do this
every time they see each other. So sweet.

Sarah and Katie, dancing together on the cruise.

Such a fun
nite with great friends all around! The biggest laugh of the
nite was Katie telling us she wants to have her birthday party on the Hiawatha( that is the boat's name)... And she wants it to be a surprise. Lest you forget,
Katie's birthday is in January! I think that would be quite the surprise!
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