1. Wow- I have done this 3 weeks in a row- yay me! Now if I could just blog more in-between...
2. Katie has a pretty rotten cold right now. I feel so bad for her- her nose just runs and runs... We have all been suffering from sinus congestion but that poor girl has the worst of it.
3. On a mommy board today- someone asked where you would see yourself in 5 years and thats when I realized in 5 years I will have a 9 and a 7 year old! OMG! Where has the time gone - 5 years seems like nothing and yet 5 years ago I was finding out I was pregnant with Katie.
4. Katie had a tea party with Jim the other nite. In order for him to attend he had to put his pretty pants on- per Katie. I think he had been in shorts and had beeen mowing so he went and changed to chinos and that was acceptable.
5. Sarah is really coming into her own personality. Jim and I sit there and listen to her play and just giggle. Jim told me he could just sit and listen to both Katie and Sarah play all day....
6. I forgot to put this in last weeks blog- last Thurday I put a t-shirt on and ran Katie to school and then Sarah and I ran errands and went to the grocery store etc. I got home and looked down at my chest and realized it looked a little weird - lumpy like. I reached into my t-shirt and pulled out one of Sarah's socks. Yup I went all around town with Sarahs sock on my chest inside my t-shirt. Good times!
7. The weather has been so yucky this past week- I want the sun to come back and stay!
8. We are gettting ready for our neighborhoods annual yard sale and I have been going through stuff. We were so proud of Katie- she went through her stuffed animals and decided to get rid of a few of them...
9. I cant wait for the weather to get a little nicer so I can work outside with my garden a little more and the girls can play more.
10. I took Sarah for a haircut today- she was long long overdue! Here is a picture of the after! I had about an inch taken off since we have been fighting over doing her hair in the morning....

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