Saturday, May 30, 2009
I wanna be....
this morning we were sitting on the porch and enjoying the beautiful morning and Katie was snuggled up to me and says I wanna be a Hockey Player when I grow up, is that ok? I replied that she could be anything she wanted to be. She then said well I wanna be a momma when I grow up. I told her that was wonderful and asked how many kids did she want. Her answer- 5. I then asked her if she had any names picked out. She gave them to me in this order- Gilbert, Max, Connor, Allie and MO. I can figure out where most of the names come from Gilbert- the cat from Caillou, Max- she even told me was after our friends son Max. Connor is her favorite boy name and uses it all the time for her babies. Allie- is a name of a fellow classmate at school but MO has me stumped. Unless she heard Jim and I talk about Mediaocean which everyone called MO??? I don.t know. I told her that I would be really excited to be a grandma to her 5 kids. she then told me oh no mommy - you and are gonna be mommas to them together. Ummmm I don't think so kid......
Thursday, May 28, 2009
10 on Thursday
1. Sorry for the lack of a post last week. We were very busy - it was Katies last day of preschool and we had a lot going on....
2. So Katie is done for the summer and looking forward to spending time with Sissy and Mommy. I am sure after a summer together, Katie will be running towards pre-scool in the fall.....
3. We had a lot of great plans for the week but have been stuck inside due to the never ending rain.
4. The rain did hold off a bit on Saturday so the girls and I were able to get in some of my plants into my garden. So far we have got tomato, pepper, eggplant, lettuce and strawberries in.... So much more left to do but due to rain still not in....Bummer....
5. Sarah is on a new kick with playing and she keeps calling me Grandma. I say I am not your Grandma and she goes Oh Mommy I just pee-tend......
6. We had a super busy on weekend - on Sunday we went to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Chris' and watched Christopher get confirmed into the Catholic church. It was a really nice time and the girls had a blast playing with their cousins...
7. On Monday we headed out to my parents to visit with Uncle Kevin, Aunt Jen and cousin Hannah who were in from Colorado. We had such a great time and the girls were thrilled to play with Hannah....I think Hannah loved playing with them too. Sarah keeps calling her my Hannah- she is my cousin!
8. The fighting due to the rain is OUT OF CONTROL. How am I gonna last the summer?
9. Katie's imagination is in overdrive these days. She pretends to ring my doorbell and then she comes in and asks if she can live here forever and then she tells me a whole story about why she needs to live with me.... I just hope she doesn't tell this story out in public though! Since she tells me it complicated or that her mom has many babies and is pregnant again!
1o. We did a fun craft project the other day- it was easy to do - the girls loved it and it killed 2 birds with one stone- a snack and an art project. We made cereal necklaces. We took a piece of yard and strung fruitloops on it. We put tape on one end so they did not come off. then when we were done we tied the ends and they put them on and then proceeded to eat the fruit loops off....
Good times!
2. So Katie is done for the summer and looking forward to spending time with Sissy and Mommy. I am sure after a summer together, Katie will be running towards pre-scool in the fall.....
3. We had a lot of great plans for the week but have been stuck inside due to the never ending rain.
4. The rain did hold off a bit on Saturday so the girls and I were able to get in some of my plants into my garden. So far we have got tomato, pepper, eggplant, lettuce and strawberries in.... So much more left to do but due to rain still not in....Bummer....
5. Sarah is on a new kick with playing and she keeps calling me Grandma. I say I am not your Grandma and she goes Oh Mommy I just pee-tend......
6. We had a super busy on weekend - on Sunday we went to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Chris' and watched Christopher get confirmed into the Catholic church. It was a really nice time and the girls had a blast playing with their cousins...
7. On Monday we headed out to my parents to visit with Uncle Kevin, Aunt Jen and cousin Hannah who were in from Colorado. We had such a great time and the girls were thrilled to play with Hannah....I think Hannah loved playing with them too. Sarah keeps calling her my Hannah- she is my cousin!
8. The fighting due to the rain is OUT OF CONTROL. How am I gonna last the summer?
9. Katie's imagination is in overdrive these days. She pretends to ring my doorbell and then she comes in and asks if she can live here forever and then she tells me a whole story about why she needs to live with me.... I just hope she doesn't tell this story out in public though! Since she tells me it complicated or that her mom has many babies and is pregnant again!
1o. We did a fun craft project the other day- it was easy to do - the girls loved it and it killed 2 birds with one stone- a snack and an art project. We made cereal necklaces. We took a piece of yard and strung fruitloops on it. We put tape on one end so they did not come off. then when we were done we tied the ends and they put them on and then proceeded to eat the fruit loops off....
Good times!
Crying big wet Tears....
So last nite I cried big tears..... We went over to middle school to (sob) sign Katie up for soccer in the fall. Why would that make me cry you ask? Well its two- fold. On one hand my baby is growing up and I can't believe she is old enough for soccer! On the other hand I am crying because I am now officially what I detested for so long- a mini van driving soccer mom! Hahaha! However there will be no mom jeans for me!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Birthday Fun!
So I am going to take a break this week from my 10 on Thursday to talk about my birthday. I am at an age where I really don't care to have a big to do any more but having kids changes alot of things and Birthdays are one of them. The girls were beyond excited to celebrate my birthday and Tuesday nite they along with Jim baked me a cake. I got to pick what kind of cake I wanted but Katie was very insistant that we have rainbow sprinkles for it. Luckily Pilsbury had funfetti frosting with rainbow sprinkles. When Jim picked up Katie from pre-school yesterday they came home and frosted the cake... The girls were a tad bit excited and had a hard time not taste testing the cake... Here is what the cake looked like when they were done with it- LOL!
As you can see they could not resist the lure of yellow cake with pink vanilla frosting.... All in all it was delish! I throughly enjoyed it and all they and Jim and Bear did to make the day special for me. Here is a picture of the girls and I after we blew the candles out on the cake. Enjoy!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Well that backfired!
So Katie has been on a kick lately about getting a dog. For some reason she thinks if we have cats we cant have a dog....Not sure where she got this idea from but last nite at dinner she starts in with - its not fair Sarah always gets what she loves best. Jim and I looked at her and I was like what are talking about? She then proceeded to say - Sarah loves kitty cats and I love doggies and we have kitties for Sarah and no doggie for me (insert pouty face here). So Jim and I quickly reminded her that she was the one who wanted Daisy and then Fifi and that she picked them out and named them etc..... So then she tells me we should just give them to another family. So I then attempted to explain that when you take in a pet you make a commitment to that pet and you don't just give them away. I then said to her- what if I decided I didn't like you anymore and I decided to give you away- how would you feel? She thought for a minute and then answered - Just make sure its a nice family!
Lol- I guess my point was lost on her so we went with a different tactic and explained how much more work a dog is.......
Lol- I guess my point was lost on her so we went with a different tactic and explained how much more work a dog is.......
Thursday, May 7, 2009
10 on Thursday
1. Wow- I have done this 3 weeks in a row- yay me! Now if I could just blog more in-between...
2. Katie has a pretty rotten cold right now. I feel so bad for her- her nose just runs and runs... We have all been suffering from sinus congestion but that poor girl has the worst of it.
3. On a mommy board today- someone asked where you would see yourself in 5 years and thats when I realized in 5 years I will have a 9 and a 7 year old! OMG! Where has the time gone - 5 years seems like nothing and yet 5 years ago I was finding out I was pregnant with Katie.
4. Katie had a tea party with Jim the other nite. In order for him to attend he had to put his pretty pants on- per Katie. I think he had been in shorts and had beeen mowing so he went and changed to chinos and that was acceptable.
5. Sarah is really coming into her own personality. Jim and I sit there and listen to her play and just giggle. Jim told me he could just sit and listen to both Katie and Sarah play all day....
6. I forgot to put this in last weeks blog- last Thurday I put a t-shirt on and ran Katie to school and then Sarah and I ran errands and went to the grocery store etc. I got home and looked down at my chest and realized it looked a little weird - lumpy like. I reached into my t-shirt and pulled out one of Sarah's socks. Yup I went all around town with Sarahs sock on my chest inside my t-shirt. Good times!
7. The weather has been so yucky this past week- I want the sun to come back and stay!
8. We are gettting ready for our neighborhoods annual yard sale and I have been going through stuff. We were so proud of Katie- she went through her stuffed animals and decided to get rid of a few of them...
9. I cant wait for the weather to get a little nicer so I can work outside with my garden a little more and the girls can play more.
10. I took Sarah for a haircut today- she was long long overdue! Here is a picture of the after! I had about an inch taken off since we have been fighting over doing her hair in the morning....

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