Thursday, April 23, 2009

10 on Thursday

So I am borrowing this from a few on my online friends who in an effort to blog more do a 10 on tuesday. Since I missed Tuesday I will do a 10 on Thursday....

1. The binkie fairy is coming in a few days and I am extremely nervous on how Sarah is going to do but its time and if anything I think she is more attached then Katie was. The fairy is bringing her a stuffed Boots to use to comfort herself instead of the bink.

2. I cant beleive what a personality Sarah is beginning to have. Her newest phrase is No Tank you to everything you say- even when you are not offering something. Like Sarah its time to go get dressed- No Tank you Mommy....

3. I love listening in when the girls play with their baby dolls or little people. Their imaginations are so amazing!

4. I am struggling with Sarah right now to get her to eat more veggies. I can get her to eat raw carrots or celery at lunch with dip and she will eat corn and salad at dinner but that is it. Even the bribe of dessert does not work. When we tell her the only way to get ice cream is to eat a grean bean she says- you guessed it- No Tank you and walks away....

5. Katie is growing up on us again. She likes to be my helper and she will help me fold laundry, get the mail, set the table you name it... It makes me sad because she is soon moving beyond the pre-schooler stage and into the the little girl stage.

6. That said- we are starting to have some big girl issues with Katie where she does not listen when we tell her something... She ignores us and does what she wants which usually leads to trouble. Needless to say she has been doing some time outs in her room lately.

7. I took the girls to Indian park last week. I brought their buckets and shovels and they played for almost an hour in the sand box there. I was really proud of them too because they shared their extra shovel and bucket with the little boys that were there....

8. When I say something to Sarah that she likes she tells me HMMM thats a good idea Mommy... Cracks me up every time.

9. 10 things is harder then I thought...

10. ITs going to be in the mid 80s here this weekend and Monday and even though we have a busy weekend I am hoping I can get my hands in the dirt and do some planting in the next few days....

Whew! To quote Dora - I did it!!! LOL

Take care and hope you have a great weekend.

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