So Katie has learned a new catch phrase.... I dont think so.... The conversation goes something like this:
Me: ITs time for Bed
K: mmmmm, I dont think so mom
Me: Its time to get ready to go to school
K: MMMM, I dont think so Mom
When did this child become 3 going on 13???
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Feeling better
So I went to the dr yesterday and he said I have the same viral illness that everyone in the county has. But he did give me some cough medicine with codeine in it so I could get a decent nites sleep. I have to say- it worked and I feel like a new woman!
Poor Sarah, she had this big red bump on her leg. Took her to the ped and she had a secondary reaction to the chicken pox shot. It thankfully is going away but I felt so bad for her. She continues to crack me up. She is so different from Katie. She is such a little bruiser but at he same time she is such a girly girl. She loves playing with the dress up clothes and boa and tiara. Jims dad said she will be a girly girl but she will be able to take out anyone who crosses her.
Today Katie got her first library card and took out 2 books. The county storymobile goes around to the different daycares and if you are 3 and up you get to go on it and pick out 2 books. My girl is so big! They are also doing a reading contest at school and at the end of the month they will a gift certificate to Pizza hut for free individual pizza. Who knew this stuff would start so early!
Poor Sarah, she had this big red bump on her leg. Took her to the ped and she had a secondary reaction to the chicken pox shot. It thankfully is going away but I felt so bad for her. She continues to crack me up. She is so different from Katie. She is such a little bruiser but at he same time she is such a girly girl. She loves playing with the dress up clothes and boa and tiara. Jims dad said she will be a girly girl but she will be able to take out anyone who crosses her.
Today Katie got her first library card and took out 2 books. The county storymobile goes around to the different daycares and if you are 3 and up you get to go on it and pick out 2 books. My girl is so big! They are also doing a reading contest at school and at the end of the month they will a gift certificate to Pizza hut for free individual pizza. Who knew this stuff would start so early!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hi all
sorry I have not updated in a few days - I have been wiped out with a really bad cold and fever. I think I might have another sinus infection but I will no more when I go to the drs later on.
sorry I have not updated in a few days - I have been wiped out with a really bad cold and fever. I think I might have another sinus infection but I will no more when I go to the drs later on.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
You Mell
So Katie has learned that when she smells something funky to tell whoever is around that they smell - usualy it ends up being - you mell mommy! Nice! The conversation goes something like this:
K:- You Mell mommy
Me: I dont smell Katie
K: Yes you do! You farted!
M: Katie, I did not! Andthats not a nice thing to say to someone!
K: ok - I mell something stinky mommy!
Ugh!!!! How do you teach a 3 yr old not to tell someone they smell or they smell somthing stinky?????
K:- You Mell mommy
Me: I dont smell Katie
K: Yes you do! You farted!
M: Katie, I did not! Andthats not a nice thing to say to someone!
K: ok - I mell something stinky mommy!
Ugh!!!! How do you teach a 3 yr old not to tell someone they smell or they smell somthing stinky?????
Valentines Day
So the girls both had good valentines days. I had to laugh. I asked KAtie if she would be my valentine and she said NO! I said, no?, expecting to hear that it would be her good buddy Dylan B. Instead she goes No Thomas is my valentine. Yes Thomas the Train is more of an appeal then mommy now.
I was kinda stunned at the take that both my girls accumulated on that day. I thought I was being the cool mom and took Katie to the store and we picked out valentines for both her and Sarah that came with Candy. Woo-hoo I thought and we filled every ones out. Yeah, that was pretty much the norm in Katies class - seriously every valentine had some type of candy and or pencil attached to it! Some mom's even did complete goody bags! Made my little Dora candy look sad in comparison. Katies teacher Miss Jody also went all out! Katie got a little dog, a cup, pencil, homemad rice krispie trieats and she even gave them Fun dip- thanks Miss Jody!
I was kinda stunned at the take that both my girls accumulated on that day. I thought I was being the cool mom and took Katie to the store and we picked out valentines for both her and Sarah that came with Candy. Woo-hoo I thought and we filled every ones out. Yeah, that was pretty much the norm in Katies class - seriously every valentine had some type of candy and or pencil attached to it! Some mom's even did complete goody bags! Made my little Dora candy look sad in comparison. Katies teacher Miss Jody also went all out! Katie got a little dog, a cup, pencil, homemad rice krispie trieats and she even gave them Fun dip- thanks Miss Jody!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Power of Prayer
Jim and I were both raised to eat dinner as a family and to say grace as part of the dinner. As we became a couple and started living together we instituted the same traditions. We sit down together to eat and we say grace. Its just a simple grace that I grew up with. As our family grew- first with Katie then with Sarah we continued it. I think it is now become my favorite part of dinner. Katie has on occasion when we have been out to dinner made us stop and say grace and has also made us say it several times at home till she is satisfied that it was said right by everyone and that everyone had their hands folded correctly (in her mind). Now as Sarah has moved from the high chair to a booster seat, the tradition continues with Katie helping to say the grace and Sarah clapping her hands together in glee. It honestly does not get much better then that.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Sweats and Giggles
So Katie went for her test this morning. The 2nd sweat test and again - she did not sweat a drop. Per our dr and the biochemistry woman they want to let it go for 30 days and then try again. Fun times! Luckily its a non invasive test and Katie thinks she is wearing a watch like mommy and daddy.....
So I went for my semi-annual check up with the dermatologist this morning. Everyhting looked good ( I had a pre-cancerous mole so I have to go an get periodic skin checks) but I was stuck with a funny thought and could not help but giggle. When she does a skin check she has this huge magnifying glass that she uses and I could not help but think she looked like Emma Thompsons character from the Harry Potter movies- Professor Trelawney. It made me giggle. Now let me emphasize that without the magnifying glass she looks nothing like that character......
Happy Friday to everyone!
So I went for my semi-annual check up with the dermatologist this morning. Everyhting looked good ( I had a pre-cancerous mole so I have to go an get periodic skin checks) but I was stuck with a funny thought and could not help but giggle. When she does a skin check she has this huge magnifying glass that she uses and I could not help but think she looked like Emma Thompsons character from the Harry Potter movies- Professor Trelawney. It made me giggle. Now let me emphasize that without the magnifying glass she looks nothing like that character......
Happy Friday to everyone!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Growing Up!
My baby - she is growing up on me! First Katie has started calling Jim and I mom and dad instead of mommy and daddy. Sometimes she will revert but this morning it was too cute as I was sitting at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee and she comes running out from the living room, going Mom, Mom, where is Dad?
Then she got an invite to a b-day party from one of her daycare classmates. She has gone to b-day parties of family members and close friends of the family but this is her first one from school....
Then she got an invite to a b-day party from one of her daycare classmates. She has gone to b-day parties of family members and close friends of the family but this is her first one from school....
Good News!
The girls had their sweat tests the other day and Sarahs's came back normal. Katie- well she did not sweat 1 drop so we have to redo the test for her on Friday.
I had to laugh at her last nite- she was fighting going to bed - which has become a nightly occurrence. She finally had settled down and Jim and i went to bed early - I stayed up to read a little bit but Jim conked right out. About a half hour later I heard her get out of bed. I got up and met her inthe hall way. I though maybe she had to use the potty but she grabbed my hand and said I need some cuddles mommy, rather then fight her (I could see she was super sleepy) I laid down in her bed. As she lay there I kept noticing her taking her fingers and putting them in her ears. Finally I got it- I was like yeah Daddy does snore kinda loud. She was quiet for few minutes then she loooked up at me with her fingers in her ears and said I can still here him Momma! I had a good laugh overthat one.
I had to laugh at her last nite- she was fighting going to bed - which has become a nightly occurrence. She finally had settled down and Jim and i went to bed early - I stayed up to read a little bit but Jim conked right out. About a half hour later I heard her get out of bed. I got up and met her inthe hall way. I though maybe she had to use the potty but she grabbed my hand and said I need some cuddles mommy, rather then fight her (I could see she was super sleepy) I laid down in her bed. As she lay there I kept noticing her taking her fingers and putting them in her ears. Finally I got it- I was like yeah Daddy does snore kinda loud. She was quiet for few minutes then she loooked up at me with her fingers in her ears and said I can still here him Momma! I had a good laugh overthat one.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Interesting day
So both girls has pnuemonia several weeks ago. The 2nd time in under six months. Despite the fact that it is running rampid our dr wanted to play it safe and rule out Cystic Fibrosis. In order to do this - the girls had to go for a sweat test. We went for that today. Its a relatively uninvasive procedure. Basically they warm your arm and then put this little disc on to catch the sweat. But you know how you just have a feeling?? Yeah- Sarah they were able to get a little sweat- Katie none. Which didnt surprise Jim or I - the girl does not sweat - except for her feet- and I swear- all her sweat comes out in her feet. When she comes home from daycare her socks are usually socked with sweat. So now we go again Friday. Hopefully I should have some answeres on Sarah tomorrow.
And in conjuction with the pnuemonia. Katie is still coughing this cruddy cough. We took her back to the drs yesterday and they put her back on antibiotics- a liquid form of Zithromax. She hates it. She keeps spitting it out. Tonite when I gave it to her- I tried bribing her with chocolate. She finally finished the medicne and said- please I dont want nothing. Well that took the wind out of my sails- apparently this medicine tastes so bad that not even chocolate could convince her to take it. And that is hard to believe since this same little girl tells me eveytime she has a boo-boo- chocolate make it feel better mama!
And in conjuction with the pnuemonia. Katie is still coughing this cruddy cough. We took her back to the drs yesterday and they put her back on antibiotics- a liquid form of Zithromax. She hates it. She keeps spitting it out. Tonite when I gave it to her- I tried bribing her with chocolate. She finally finished the medicne and said- please I dont want nothing. Well that took the wind out of my sails- apparently this medicine tastes so bad that not even chocolate could convince her to take it. And that is hard to believe since this same little girl tells me eveytime she has a boo-boo- chocolate make it feel better mama!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Picture Day

so yesterday was picture day. I think it is a mother thing, You pray your kids wont be cranky, that they will actually stand still and that they will smile pretty for the camera. Yesterday was actually not a bad day for pics. They smiled this time. The last time we went for pics, Katie cried the whole way, and we could barely coax a smile out. Sarah also would not smile - she just stared intently. This time I got big smiles from them. Probably one of my favorite photos is this - and the photographer got it on the first try.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Bowl
Who needs a big fancy party. As I type this we are all lazing about in our pjs eating chilli and spagetti and watching the superbowl.... I would not want to watch the superbowl anyother way. According to Katie the only thing that could make it even better would be to have JoePa there.....
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Getting Old
So it occurred to me last Sunday as I was getting dressed and turned on the TV- I am getting old- what you may you ask made me realize this. Was it the gray hairs in my hair or maybe it was the fact that I cant remember anything 5 mnutes after the fact. NOPE. It was because I got excited because CBS Sunday Morning was on. Where I used to watch endless episodes of REal World and Road Rules on MTV or hunker down to watch the Top 20 Video countdown on VH1 - I now get excited to watch a news show. Maybe it is that I am getting older - or maybe its that after watching Max and Ruby or Blues Clues with Katie every day that my mind longs for something shall we say a little more stimulating. Whatever the case I enjoy our Sundays watching CBS SUnday morning, drinking coffee and watching the kids play.
New Site
So this is what you get when you stop blogging- you cant remember your password and you never created a google account when Blogger was moving so you end up not being able to log into your old blog. Such is life I guess SO here is our new blog- Meet the Folmars.... Where you can catch up with our crazy family... Enjoy!
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