Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Sarah!

Happy 3rd Birthday Sarah. Its hard to believe that the sweet and snuggly baby I gave birth to is now a sweet and sassy 3 year old.... Sarah, you are so incredilby fun at this age. You have a belly laugh that can make anyone one smile. And when you smile, it lights up your whole face and makes everyone smile with you. You are all girl loving all things pink and purple and anything princess or barbie. You love to dress up in your princess gowns and play with your barbies....

You also are still in the midst of the terrible twos and have quite a temper to prove it. Your latest is to let out a war cry when you dont get your way. We are working on that! But despite that, you still remain sweet and like to help everyone and to surprise people'. You love to sing and love to dance. You love for mommy or daddy to pick you up and swing you around .

You love to be read to and love to hear Dr Zeus books and Maisy books..... You love to hug your sister and the two of you do a huggy dance together. Your imagination is blossoming and you now have an imaginary friend named Kasey.

We love you our little Sarah Beara. We are so glad for the day you entered into our lives and became part of our little family..... Happy 3rd birthday sweet girl

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween sneak peak!

If you see this cute little ladybug and cutie pie Hospital Dr show up at your door on Halloween make sure to give them some treats and not any tricks!

Miss us?

Have you missed us? Sorry for the long lapse in writing. WE have been busy and have been doing alot of stuff but I have been in a bit of funk and just have not felt like writing. For that I apologize. I just have been feeling really defeated lately.... It makes it hard to write and be upbeat when you feel like this. The girls have been butting heads a lot lately and I have had a lot of problems with Sarah and potty training.....

But we have been having some good times as well. WE kicked off Oct with Brandon and Jen's wedding where the girls were flower girls and did a darn good job if I do say so myself.... Here is a pic of that:

The following weekend we went to the pumkin patch. There are pics of that but they are on Jim's camera and have not been uploaded yet. Then we had lots of rain and some snow! Here are pics to prove it.. My pretty roses with snow, pumkins with snow and my mum with slush..

This past weekend we went up to liberty, pa for a hayride at a friend of the family's farm. I am always struck when getting there at how quiet and peaceful it is there. Our hayride is normally during nite time but since it was on a Sunday this year due to said snow above we had a daylight hayride. So much fun! The girls were thrilled to play with their cousins and the other kids and also got to see the cows. Now we are gearing up for Halloween and Sarah's birthday.....